(Including CITY CENTRE)

27 Club (Aldo's Place) (Coyote) Closed in June 2018.
Not visited.
Victoria Street / Peter Street
Albany Mainly a restaurant but with a very twee fake half timbered front bar, all in a half basement. Completely deserted on a Tuesday night. A separate "Irish Doubles Bar", closed when I visited, is attached.
Noted closed in 2008.
Last visited 1999.
Old Hall Street
Albert's Schenke (Hub)
The Hub was more of a posh restaurant, but with a comfortable bar area for drinkers.
It's been re-done with something of a German bierhalle vibe, and very well done in my opinion. They offer an impressive range of draft beers including unusual ones local and foreign. The menu looks good.
Last visited November 2024.
Hanover Street / Duke Street
Alberts Schloss
Opened in December 2022, this is a rather stylish attempt at creating a Bierkeller type place.
Last visited March 2023.
Bold Street
A large up market cocktail bar. The stylish interior decor is very attractive.
Last visited January 2025.
Brunswick Street / Fenwick Street
Not visited.
Cains Brewery Village
All Bar One (Queens) (Goose at the Queens)
Hand pump
The Queens, also known as Goose at the Queens, was a pleasant Wetherspoon-style pub on two floors, serving very nice ale.
It became All Bar One in September 2010, and I enjoyed a good pint of the only real ale available in comfortable up-market surroundings with stylish modern wooden furniture. They are mainly interested in food, and the posh menu seems reasonably priced.
Last visited 2011.
Derby Square
Anderson's Bar Now closed.
Not visited.
Exchange Street East
Angels Paradise
Not visited.
Cumberland Street
Angus Tap and Grind
Hand pump
An up market cafe bar serving a range of cask and keg ales. Pleasant modern decor with large windows to the street.
Last visited 2020.
Dale Street / Cheapside
A nicely done modern-styled bar.
Last visited January 2024.
Hope Street / Caledonia
Aphrodite's Lap dancing. Located underneath the Pen and Wig.
Not visited.
Harington Street
Arriva Club (Mersey Bus Social Club) I believe this is now closed.
Not visited.
Hockenhall Alley
Arts Bar Baltic (Baltic Social)
A large open room with a stage at one end in a converted warehouse.
Last visited September 2023.
Parliament Street / Jamaica Street
Athica (George Stubbs) Now closed.
Not visited.
Tithebarn Street
Atlantic Bar Typical business hotel bar on the second floor.
Last visited 1998.
Atlantic Tower Hotel
Atlantis Closed.
Not visited.
Grand Central, Renshaw Street
Augustus John
Hand pump
This sixties construction in the university precinct is a busy student pub. It has lots of large windows overlooking the campus and tables outside. The beer is always excellent.
Last visited March 2023.
University Precinct, Brownlow Hill / Mount Pleasant
Aura (Bar Red) (Diablo's)
Not visited.
Wood Street / Slater Street
Ava's Bar (Inn) (Cheeky Jack's)
Hand pump
New in 2012, Inn was decorated like a trendy poser's bar, but served decent real ale, a range of imported draft beers, and an even wider range of bottles. Worryingly empty when I visited on a Wednesday lunchtime, and closed down within three years.
Two name changes later, Ava's is a plain but very pleasant bar. The music was a little too loud at two on a Thursday but I imagine it's appropriate later. There is also an upstairs, not visited.
Last visited July 2024.
Renshaw Street / Mount Pleasant
Baa Bar
Not visited.
Slater Street / Fleet Street
Baby Croc
Mainly a music venue, I think, located next door to the Crocodile.
Not visited.
Harington Street
Baltic Fleet
Hand pump
The decor is mainly bare brick inside this peculiarly shaped building with a pleasant lounge in the bullnose. The top notch beers used to include specials from the nearby Passageway Brewery, but when that closed they bought the kit and set up their own Wapping Brewery in the cellar which provided excellent ales until they ceased brewing here in 2017.
Located on the wrong side of the road for the Albert Dock grockles (Great news if you want a quiet drink and a read of the paper), who consequently have to make do with the Pump House.
In 2014 the layout in the main room was altered.
In 2023 a new open staircase was added leading up to a refurbished first floor.
Grade II listed building.
Last visited September 2023.
33a Wapping / Grayson Street
Baltic Market
This large converted warehouse contains a bar and umpteen food stalls.
Last visited July 2024.
Cains Brewery Village
Bar 111 Now closed.
Last visited 1997.
Hardman Street / Rodney Street
Bar Ca Va This small popular bar was selling lots of tequilla and Jagermeister (not in the same glass) when I visited on a Saturday night. The music, played by a DJ in the front room was loud but not excessively so.
Last visited 2004.
Wood Street, Hanover Street end
Bar Cava Now closed.
Not visited.
Mathew Street / North John Street (Underneath The Loft)
Bar Celona A small one room busy bar. Go through to the enormous and truly spectacular Grand Central, a multi level night club with amazing over the top decor. Now closed.
Last visited 1999.
Grand Central, Renshaw Street
Bar DeMille
A nicely done plain one-roomed pub in the former Gaumont cinema, conveniently located next to the coach station. Now closed.
Last visited 2004.
Fraser Street
Bar Monaco (J Bar) (Jazz Bar) Now closed.
Not visited.
Albert Dock
Bar Prima Now closed.
Not visited.
North John Street / Victoria Street
Bar Racine A small one room bar, another way into Grand Central. Now closed.
Not visited.
Grand Central, Renshaw Street
Bar Zero Service - zero, bitter - zero, atmosphere - zero in this "trendy" cocktail bar. The place was not busy but after ten minutes we had not been served so we left.
Closed and now a restaurant.
Last visited 1998.
North John Street
Basement Night club.
Now closed.
Not visited.
Harrington Street / North John Street
Be At One (Hog's Head) (William Gladstone)
Hand pump
Hog's Head: The music was a little loud in this otherwise pleasant modern bar with one main room plus more tables on a balcony. My notes from 1998 recorded a large selection of excellent hand pulled ales; by 2004 they were down to a choice of only two, but the Fuller's London Pride was very nice, so no complaints. Unusually, waitress service was provided.
By 2021, renamed William Gladstone but pretty much unchanged.
Refurbished in 2024 to become a cocktail bar in the Be At One chain.
Last visited 2021.
North John Street / Cook Street
Be At One Cocktail bar.
Not visited.
Seel Street / David Lewis Street
Bear's Paw Closed.
Not visited.
Dorans Lane
A small, busy, well kept town centre boozer with an impressive high ceiling and a nicely tiled entrance and chimney breast. The walls are covered with pictures of old movie stars. A bit of a classic, this one.
Last visited September 2022.
Mount Pleasant
Beer Engine (Plummers) (Bumper)
A rather good night club style bar with a couple of handpumps. Unsurprisingly empty on a Tuesday afternoon. A regular Friday night haunt of mine back in the 1990s, when it was Plummers night club.
The beer engines on the counter are purely decorative.
Last visited July 2024.
Hardman Street / Pilgrim Street
Hand pump
This tiny (Too tiny - you always have to elbow someone out of the way to get served!) nicely done out traditional two room one bar pub is clean and tidy, if a little worn in places. The "smoke room" is served across the passageway through a little hatch in the rather good glazed partition. After a long period of closure it re-opened in 2006, with fine real ales served by friendly staff.
Grade II listed building.
Last visited April 2022.
Faulkner Street / Sugnall Street
Berry and Rye (Saint George) Saint George in 1999: A plain one roomed corridor bar. The customers were friendly but the parrot wouldn't talk to us (A sign warned that he bites!) It was tarted up with graffiti all over the front in 2000, presumably to appeal to a younger market.
Now a hidden bar specialising in whisky and cocktails.
Last visited 1999.
48 Berry Street
Hand pump
Rather good understated decor (Some might say plain.) in this large cellar in which white painted ceiling, columns and walls are enlivened with the occasional mirror, TV or brewery sign. Somewhat lacking in atmosphere on a wet Monday afternoon but I bet it's lively on Friday night. Bierkeller style benches one side and some comfortable-looking booths on the other. A good range of bottled beers from all over the world, as well as a couple of real ales on hand pump.
Opened 23 May 2010, and sadly closed in November 2011.
Last visited 2010.
Stanley Street / Dale Street
A nicely done bar with contemporary styling where they serve a range of European keg beers. Expensive!
Last visited May 2023.
Thomas Steers Way, Liverpool 1
Big Easy Now closed.
Not visited.
Hardman Street
Black Barrel
This "Rum Bar" has one small room, with a cement floor, bare brick wall and so on. Probably quite fun if there were some people in here.
Last visited January 2025.
Castle Street / Dale Street
Black Lodge Tap Room
A bare conversion of an old industrial unit, serving a fine selection of their own craft beers.
Last visited 2018.
Kitchen Street / Jamaica Street
Blackburne Arms
Hand pump
A major refurbishment in 2006 has left this pub with a very nice traditional interior, with a wood and stone floor and a nice wooden bar front - All totally fake. When I visited in 2006 they had about seven real ales available, and the Adnams Bitter was top notch. Revisiting in 2008 I found new management and there was less choice of real ales, but still in good nick. In 2013 and more recently quality real ale continues.
Last visited November 2023.
Catharine Street / Blackburne Place
Blarney Stone (Newington House) (Renshaw's)
My notes on Renshaw's said: Appears slightly scruffy from the outside, but the interior is well cared for when you get past the bouncers. In the evenings this lively popular bar is always busy, noisy and great fun, and often has a live singer or karaoke. At less busy times it's good for a quiet pint. Licence to 02.00 on Thursday, Friday and Saturday.
Noted closed and To Let in 2015, and then re-opened as Blarney Stone in 2016. On re-visiting I found a cheerful friendly place where they've resisted the temptation to go over the top with the Irish decor, making for a pleasant interior. The few remaining Victorian features, ceiling border plaster and an arch, have been well kept.
Last visited July 2024.
Renshaw Street / Upper Newington
Blend Now closed.
Not visited.
Mount Pleasant / Roscoe Street
Blitz Now closed.
Not visited.
Stanley Street
Blob Shop (Yates's)
A very nice interior in this former Yates's Wine Lodge. The one open wooden-floored room is always busy. Note the Yates's mosaic flooring at the entrance.
Last visited January 2024.
Great Charlotte Street
Blue This trendy fashionable bar in the Albert Dock warehouses has a fine interior with the original stone floor and vaulted brick ceiling. The toilets feature a unisex washbasin area. Licence 'till 2.
Now closed.
Last visited 1999.
Atlantic Pavillion, Albert dock above Hartley's
Blue Angel Night club.
Last visited 1997.
Seel Street
BoBo A well decorated Iberian-styled wine bar.
Last visited August 2022.
Castle Street / Cook Street
Bock Bar
A pleasant comfortable compact bar offering a good range of keg beers.
Last visited November 2024.
Leece Street / Roscoe Street
Bonapartes Closed. In my student days, a pub on the edge of a university campus was a guaranteed money-spinner, but it would appear this is no longer the case.
Not visited.
Clarence Street / Pleasant Street
Boom Battle Bar
A games-oriented placed offering pool, axe-throwing, crazy golf and so on.
Last visited February 2025.
St Johns Centre, Lime Street entrance
Borough Hotel
Not visited.
Great Crosshall Street / Standish Street
Boston Pool Loft
Not visited.
Fleet Street / Concert Street
BOXPARK (Black Pearl)
Black Pearl was a rather good night-club style place somewhat lacking in atmosphere at three in the afternoon, but I bet it was buzzing later.
BOXPARK is an "events space" with multiple food vendors, not yet visited.
Last visited May 2022.
Cains Brewery Village
Brass Monkey No bitter at all in this rather odd place mainly aimed at selling cocktails, I think. Pleasant fun decor and comfortable seating. Larger than it at first appears, with two back rooms.
Last visited June 2024.
School Lane
This member of the Scottish chain of pubs well-known for their unusual beers opened in late 2014. Modern decor, as expected, naked air conditioning ducts, bare stone walls and the bar is made out of old shipping containers. The strongest beer available when I visited was the 41% Sink The Bismarck - Needless to say, that one doesn't come in pints!
Last visited 2019.
Colquit Street
Bridewell (Colin's Bridewell) (Liverpool One Bridewell) (Furnivals Well)
Hand pump
An splendid pub in an old police station, where you can even drink in the cells. Quality real ales are on offer, with friendly service.
Last visited November 2022.
Argyle Street / Campbell Street
Brink A "dry" bar. I'm not sure whether this belongs in my guide.
Not visited.
Parr Street
Brownlows Inn
A rather nicely done corridor bar, with accommodation upstairs.
Last visited July 2024.
Mount Pleasant / Brownlow Hill
Brunch & Cocktail Club
A pleasant one room cafe/bar, nicely decorated. (Apart from an excess of Christmas stuff in early November.) Good food and excellent cocktails.
Last visited November 2024.
Duke Street / Campbell Street
Brunswick Vaults (Brunswick Vaults) (Brunswick Bar) (James Monro) (Kitty's Showbar) "Brunni"
Hand pump
In 1999 the Brunswick Vaults had a pleasant and friendly bar side with a high ceiling and some rather nice stained glass and wood panelled partitions. The comfortable looking lounge side, served only from a small hatch, was completely deserted when I visited. Soon after, it would appear to have been substantially remodelled and gained an LSTV along with a change of name to the Brunswick Bar.
In 2009 an even greater change produced the James Monro, a New York themed bar / restaurant with pleasant up market decor, which was run by the same people as the Monro on Duke Street. One thing was very unlike New York: You could get a decent pint of real ale!
Later came Kitty's Showbar which I never visited.
In October 2024 it returned to its roots and re-opened as the Brunswick Vaults, a plain but well done two room one counter boozer serving quality cask ale.
Last visited November 2024.
Tithebarn Street / Highfield Street
Bullring Bar (Blind Tiger Bar)
One cheerful and pleasant open room with a high ceiling and a strange glass floor. Comfortable booths line the walls.
Closed in September 2023.
Last visited September 2023.
Pembroke Place / Great Newton Street
Bundobust A comfortable "canteen" upstairs on Bold Street, offering a wide selection of craft ales and a handpump offering an own brand ale. Brewed by Thornbridge, I think, so bound to be good - And it was.
Last visited February 2025.
Bold Street
Buyers Club
The Flying Picket Bar: Through a narrow alley off Hardman Street, across the music venue's lobby, and in to a nice single room bar serving excellent ale.
The Picket closed in 2004, I think.
In 2015 it re-opened as Buyers Club, a very pleasant restaurant bar where drinkers are welcome. Lots of seating in the beautiful beer yard as well as in the pleasant interior.
Last visited July 2024.
Hardman Street / South Hunter Street
Cactus Bar (Rox) Mexican-themed cocktail bar.
Not visited.
Castle Street / Queen Avenue
Cafe Buro Now closed.
Not visited.
Bold Street / Heathfield
Cafe Tabac
Not visited.
Bold Street / Berry Street
Cains Brewery
A smallish high ceilinged room with a micro-brewery at the back, located in part of the historic Cains Brewery buildings.
Last visited July 2024.
Cains Brewery Village
Caledonia (Boodha)
Hand pump
This refurbished knocked through high ceilinged one room pub was previously closed and burnt out. On a Thursday evening in 2004 I found a superb live DJ mixing to a pub full of people most of whom were watching the footie!
Revisiting in 2013 on a Saturday lunchtime, I was the first customer. There were five real ales available.
The site was sold for redevelopment in 2013, fortunately a campaign to save the pub was successful, and it continues to be a reliable provider of quality real ale.
Last visited July 2024.
Caledonia Street / Catharine Street
Hand pump
Traditionally styled decor and a wood floor in this compact two roomed corner house, serving excellent beer and famous for its Sunday Breakfasts. Very popular with the local students.
Last visited March 2023.
Mulberry Street / Cambridge Street
Camp and Furnace
A large "entertainment complex".
Not visited.
Greenland Street / Jamaica Street
Carnarvon Castle
Hand pump
Originally opened in the late 1800s, this small beautifully kept pub is the only survivor of eight on this street. Outside, the pub has a splendid ceramic frontage in a row of boring modern shop fronts. Inside, the well preserved traditional interior includes a wood-panelled back room. Excellent beers and friendly service.
Refurbishment in 2008 has taken away most of the external tiles, I'm afraid, but it's still a very pleasant pub, the only fault being its popularity which means I usually end up standing.
Last visited 2021.
Tarleton Street, by M&S
Carousel Closed.
Not visited.
Myrtle Parade
Casa Bar
One very pleasant room, plus the cellar bar downstairs.
I think it is only open three days a week.
Last visited November 2024.
Hope Street / Arrad Street
Cask Coach House (Hard Times & Misery) (Dickens and King)
Hand pump
Reputedly the smallest pub in Liverpool, you could probably squeeze a dozen people in the room at a busy time. (There's another room upstairs, perhaps slightly larger.) Excellent real ales are served by staff who clearly care about their beers.
Having been closed for a while this has re-opened, now run by the team from Cask on Queens Drive.
Last visited 2021.
Maryland Street / Baltimore Street
Castaway (Gladstone Hotel) The Gladstone was a typical hotel bar. Not visited since it was rebranded.
Last visited 1997.
Liner Hotel, Lord Nelson Street
Castle Street Townhouse
A rather well done up-market bar, popular with the gin crowd.
Last visited 2019.
Castle Street / Union Court
Cavern Club A recreation of the world famous Cavern Club where the Beatles played hundreds of times, so needless to say this is an important stop on the Mathew Street tourist trail. Deep underground an atmospheric dark cellar decorated with historic concert posters. Live music most of the time. Not to be confused with the Cavern Pub on the other side of the road.
Last visited 2008.
Mathew Street
Cavern Pub A rather good cellar bar with a stage for live music. The walls are covered in music memorabilia. They used to serve an excellent pint of Black Sheep but there was no real ale on my most recent visit.
Last visited 2020.
Mathew Street
Celtic Corner A large open noisy lively bar where the "Irish" decoration is pleasantly done. Quality live music.
Smokie Moe's is upstairs.
Last visited May 2023.
Lime Street / Ranelagh Street
Central Hotel
Hand pump
This beautiful ale house (a grade II listed building) has a wonderful interior with cut glass mirrors and partitions in one large room. The impressive ceiling includes a nice domed lantern over the door. First licensed in 1863 as The Albion, this was renamed the Central Commercial Hotel in 1888.
Revisiting in late 2009 I was pleased to see the addition of two hand pumps serving Thwaites' beers. More recently, quality real ale has continued to be available.
Last visited 2021.
Ranelagh Street
Central Sports
Opened in 2023, this is upstairs above Tess Rileys. A very well done out sports bar with seating at tables, in booths and even on sofas.
Last visited January 2024.
Great Charlotte Street
Chambers Now closed.
Not visited.
Ormond Street
Charlies Now closed.
Not visited.
off Bold Street
Cheers Big Ears (Rat 'n' Parrot) (Norwegian Blue) (Yate's) (Crafty Chandler)
4 hand pumps - 3 off, one pure vinegar was what I found in the Rat 'n' Parrot in 1998. Returning to visit Yates's twelve years later I found three hand pumps but no real ale "because the cooler is broken". The decor had an almost sixties feel to it, with dark wood floor and panelling, plus purple carpets.
In 2015 it became the Crafty Chandler, with a small selection of real ales in good nick available, as well as a few craft beers. There are some LSTVs for sports but they're not obtrusive. The menu of standard pub fare looked good and good value.
In about 2022 the name changed again, to Cheers Big Ears, a pleasantly done bar with lots of TVs for sports. No real ale any more.
Last visited August 2024.
Bold Street / Concert Square
Closed. In November 1998 the sign said Lease for sale. Reported demolished in 2006.
Not visited.
Price Street / Paradise Street
Club House
Pleasant decor, I think it's supposed to be American styling, in this expensive bar, deserted on a Tuesday afternoon.
Last visited May 2023.
Chevasse Park
Compass Inn (Shaftsbury Hotel) A rather nice, comfortable and popular one roomed pub. Now closed.
Last visited 1999.
Mount Pleasant
Conti A night club, now closed.
Not visited.
Wolstenholme Square
Coopers (White Star) The former White Star became part of this chain of railway station pubs in July 1999. A nice wood panelled interior with an open balcony overlooking the station concourse. The food menu looks good, but expensive, and the beer is not cheap. Closed in 2017.
Last visited 2003.
Lime Street Station
Coopers (Sefton)
Pic Pic
No matter what time you're in town (Tuesday 10pm or even Wednesday 2pm) this wonderful, cheerful city centre boozer is lively with friendly regulars and well worth a visit. There is a tiny front bar plus a minute back lounge served from a hatch, and the gents is microscopic! The live singers seem to be on all day every day! The pub was renamed after licensee Ada Cooper in 1925. Every time I visit this tremendous place I want to add some more superlatives to this review!
Last visited 2022.
Cases Street
Coopers Emporium
Mixed rustic and disco decor in this one room friendly lively bar with a stage at one end for live music. There are also tables on the pavement outside. The food looks good value. Now closed.
Last visited 2004.
Strand Sreet / James Street
Hand pump
A very long but quite narrow multi room one bar pub with very nice traditional decor (Although the impressive wood carvings date back only to 1956, I'm told). Food lunch time. There's a very pleasant beer garden. Quiet on my most recent visits on a Wednesday afternoon.
According to the sign, this is one of Liverpool's oldest pubs, est. 1794.
Last visited November 2022.
Old Ropery and Moor Street
Cot'n Bar (Brokers) Now closed.
Not visited.
Old Hall Street / Fazakerley Street
Court House Closed and demolished.
Not visited.
Commutation Row
Courtyard (New Penny Farthing)
Hand pump
The New Penny Farthing was a rather grubby pub absolutely wedged early Friday evening for free butties and cheap beer. Live music in the upstairs bar. The wood panelled decor was very 60s in style.
After spending most of 2010 closed, it re-opened in November unchanged in general style but having lost the wood panels and gained a good tidy up, new carpets etc. I didn't check upstairs this time.
Noted closed (again) in 2016.
In October 2017 it re-opened after a complete interior refit as an up-market cocktail bar, also offering decent real ale.
Last visited 2017.
St. Georges Place / Roe Street
Coyote Ugly (Edwards) (Reflex) (Hogshead) (RSVP)
My notes on the Hogshead say "Pale wood floor, orange girders and the now standard exposed heating ducts in this branch of the chain, opened in October 1999. The usual choice of excellent ales and food from their standard menu."
There have been multiple renamings since then, and I finally returned to visit Coyote Ugly in 2022, finding exactly what you would expect if you've seen the film.
Last visited April 2022.
Concert Square / Bold Street
This long corridor bar is nicely done out and has a wood and stone floor and some fine ceramics on the wall. They have been known close early on quiet evenings.
Last visited 2012.
Harrington Street
Cross Keys
Hand pump
A large pleasant open knocked through pub with modern pastel decor and some nice wood panelling. Cheerful friendly service. Busy with local office workers on a Thursday lunchtime. Food looks good.
Last visited June 2023.
13 Earle Street / Prussia Street
Crown Hotel (Florin & Firkin) (Crown Hotel)
Hand pump
The building has a rather fine well preserved exterior. The inside has been totally restored since the Firkin era, and a very nice job they've done too: The Firkin's spoof rustic decor has been replaced by something a lot closer to the original design I think, with beautiful original ceiling plasterwork. Fine beer with six or more real ales. After many years of selling Cask Tetley Bitter at £1 a pint the price finally went up in 2007. In early 2008 an interior refurbishment provided new carpets and made a very good job of tidying up the ceiling.
Grade II listed building.
Last visited September 2024.
Lime Street / Skelhorne Street
Cunarder This was a nicely decorated basement bar, looking a bit like "Cheers" and full of kids. Now closed to become part of yet another Wetherspoon's - see Fall Well.
Last visited 1998.
Roe Street, under St John's Centre
Czar Bar Another part of the impressive Grand Central complex. See Bar Celona. Now closed.
Not visited.
Grand Central, Renshaw Street
Daly's Dandelion Now closed.
Not visited.
24 Dale Street
Danny Macs (Roscoe Arms) (Roscoes Bar) (Butterfly and Grasshopper)
The Roscoe Arms was very scruffy from the outside, inside were two worn but clean and tidy bars in a friendly traditional town centre boozer.
Some years later I found what appeared to be a posh cafe-bar called Roscoe's Bar, although I never went in to check it out.
Since 2010 it's back to the Roscoe Arms and is now a very pleasant one bar pub, nicely decorated with a wooden floor and lots of high chairs.
In 2020 it changed again, but I never visited the Butterfly and Grasshopper.
In 2023 I found it was now Danny Macs, a pleasant comfortable Irish-themed place.
Last visited July 2024.
Renshaw Street / Oldham Street
Dart and Shamrock (Dart) A recently pleasantly refurbished place popular with the Irish community, but not a fake "Irish" pub. One bar plus a nice side lounge.
Now closed.
Last visited 1999.
Gildart Street / Kempston Street
De Coubertin's Sports Bar Nice lively atmospheric basement bar with plenty of tellies and loads of sports memorabilia. Lined glasses mean you get a full pint. Now closed, for redevelopment until August 2005 according to the sign.
Last visited 1998.
North John Street / Harrington Street
Dead Crafty Beer Company
Twenty draft keg beers offering a wide range of styles, served in 2/3 pint schooners. As a real ale lover I found these over-gassed and over-chilled but still very tasty. Bare brick and chipboard decor and the usual quirky chairs and tables, pleasingly mostly at a reasonable height.
Last visited October 2023.
Dale Street / Preston Street
Dejavooo (Varsity) (Baa Bar)
This 1998 construction with a high ceiling and wooden floor has various balcony and basement areas, and is furnished with bench seats and large wooden tables. When I visited on a Thursday evening the place was almost empty and all eleven hand pumps were off.
Spent a period closed, then as a Thai Restaurant before reopening as Baa Bar in 2009 and then Dejavooo in 2017.
Last visited 2004.
Myrtle Street
Denbigh Castle (Jupiter's)
Hand pump
Jupiter's: Plain, pleasant enough decor in this open one room bar with a small counter in one corner. The quality ale I found in 2000 was gone by 2012. Very quiet on a wet Thursday afternoon.
Denbigh Castle: On returning in 2020 I found a nicely refurbished place serving excellent ales, and the quality has been maintained for subsequent visits. Can be busy and noisy.
Last visited December 2022.
Hackins Hey
Dicey Reilly's
Seven Bro7hers was a rather well done modern place with naked cable trays and rough woodwork walls. A fine selection of their own and a few guest beers, no cask. It closed in January 2024 to become Dicey Reilly's.
Last visited November 2022.
Wolstenholme Square
Dickie's Saloon Bar (Dickie Lewis's) (Dickie's) (Smokie Mo's) Dickie Lewis's was a slightly grubby split level shed, noisy and busy with friendly drunks. There were two serving counters in the main room and another in the raised side area. Not visited for a couple of renamings.
Now closed.
Last visited 2004.
Mount Pleasant / Brownlow Hill
Diego's Demise (Powerstation) (Sloanes) (Krazy House) (Electrik Warehouse) Krazy House in 1998: A friend reported on the Krazy House: Dark, cheap, loud and pretty basic. All drinks 2 for 1 but bottles of Newcastle Brown are usually warm. Dancefloor gets a bit fruity (violent at times!), hard core rockers only on Saturdays, students on Thursdays. Don't mess with the bouncers! Thanks Paul, I couldn't have put it better myself.
After various other names, it became Diego's Demise in 2024.
Last visited 1998.
Wood Street / Roe Alley
Dirty O'Sheas
A well done Irish-style bar, very quiet in the afternoon but probably packed later.
Last visited November 2024.
Seel Street / Back Colquitt Street
Dispensary (Grapes)
Hand pump
Superb beer in this small split-level one bar corner house which was the first of the small chain of Cains pubs to open. The only problem is that it's often very busy - Not the place to sit down for a quiet chat, unless you go on a midweek afternoon.
Last visited November 2024.
Renshaw Street / Oldham Street
Dock Leaf
One high ceilinged room with tiled walls, plus more seating upstairs and a roof garden above in this pleasant contemporary bar.
Last visited 2018.
Cains Brewery Village
Doctor Duncan's
Hand pump
A small front bar and a number of back rooms in what was originally the Pearl Assurance offices. At one end is a superb high ceilinged tiled room complete with tiled arches and a miniature ceramic balcony over the fireplace. Quality real ales are served. Opened March 1999.
Last visited December 2024.
St John's Lane
Dog and Collar (Chauffeurs Club) This former night club became a restaurant in 1999.
on 28 February 2025 it is to re-open as a pub.
Not visited.
Hope Street / Rice Street
Dough Bar (Rehab Bar)
Funky modern decor in this large student-oriented place selling pizzas and burgers. They have a good range of craft beers on tap.
Last visited August 2022.
Skelthorne Street / Hilbre Street
Doyles Bar Now closed.
Not visited.
Off Duke Street
Dreamers Fantasy Bar Now closed.
Not visited.
Old Hall Street
Duck & Swagger
This is the hotel bar in the Baltic Hotel, a well-decorated and atmospheric dark space with a distinct lack of comfortable seats.
Last visited September 2023.
Jamaica Street / Bridgewater Street
Duke Street Market
This food court sort of place has a bar serving craft beers.
Last visited March 2023.
Duke Street / York Street
Durty Nelly's (Monument)
Large nicely done out fake Irish bar, less plastic than most, looking a little tatty in places. There's some nice plasterwork on the extremely high vaulted ceiling. Three hand pumps not in use.
I believe this is now closed.
Last visited 2002.
London Road / Audley Street
Dutch Sports Bar I think this is now closed.
Not visited.
Berry Street / Knight Street
Opened in September 2023, this is a nicely done two room pub tucked away on a back street.
Last visited October 2023.
Eberle Street / Tempest Hey
Einstein Bier Haus (Walkabout)
A well done warehouse conversion on two floors, catering to the weekend party crowds.
Last visited April 2022.
Fleet Street / Concert Square
Empire (Empire) (Scruffy Murphy's) (
I am told the original Empire was a pleasant pub with real ale before it was "Paddified". Scruffy Murphy's was a tiny one roomed "Irish" bar, much cosier and slightly cheaper than O'Neill's across the road, in which bitter was not available when I visited. I never tried The latest incarnation, once again called the Empire, is a pleasant and well cared for boozer with a friendly atmosphere.
Last visited March 2023.
Hanover Street / Wood Street
Hand pump
A tiny pub at the back of the White Hart with which it shares a conservatory. The great decor is best described as industrial, I think. Quality cask ales are served.
Last visited February 2024.
Arrad Street
Est Bar Attached to the Italian restaurant Est Est Est. Now closed.
Not visited.
Albert Dock
Ethical Glass This basement wine bar donates 5 percent of its profit to charity.
Now closed.
Not visited.
North John Street / Harrington Street
Eurobar (Streets) This pleasant Irish pub had a small wood panelled downstairs bar plus another bar / function room upstairs. Now closed and converted to a coffee bar.
Last visited 1999.
Maryland Street / Baltimore Street
Everyman Bistro
Hand pump
Very good food and excellent beer in this remarkable cellar canteen, but not recommended for a quiet chat because you can't hear yourself think! Late licence.
Sadly it closed when the theatre was rebuilt.
Last visited 2007.
Hope Street / Mount Pleasant
Hand pump
In 1999 I described this as a rather scruffy old knocked through pub with a two-sided bar with friendly staff serving well cared for beer. Revisited in 2002 it seemed to have lost the scruffiness while retaining the friendly staff and top notch ales.
It re-opened in December 2010 after a period of closure having had a good refurbishment and now offers an increased selection of real ales always in good nick, and the food is good too.
I noted the building boarded up during the first lockdown, so I was pleased to find it back in operation in July 2020.
Last visited December 2023.
Dale Street / Hatton Garden
Exchange Bar
Hand pump
A rather pleasant large semi-basement pub down a few steps from the street. The real ale was vinegar when I visited. The lunch-time menu looks good value.
Now closed.
Last visited 2011.
Old Hall Street / George Street
FACT "Film, Art and Creative Technology". There are two or three bars in here as well as the galleries, cinemas and so on, I'm told.
Not visited.
88 Wood Street
Falkland Arms
A plain pleasant lounge side served from a hatch, and a rather scruffy bar side with customers to match. The hand pumps are no longer used.
Now closed and demolished.
Last visited 1999.
London Road / Falkland Street
Firehouse (Edward's) (Clayton Bar) This disco bar was virtually empty when I visited on a Thursday evening. The rather pleasant interior is rather dark, with plenty of disco lights. The leather sofas are very comfortable. The menu looks good. Closed and boarded up in May 2005.
Last visited 2004.
Great Charlotte Street
Fitzgeralds (Marlborough) (O'Briens)
The Marlborough was a plain but nicely decorated friendly one room pub with a very high ceiling.
Fitzgeralds is a comfortable Irish-style bar decorated with an impressive array of pictures of famous Irish people.
Last visited March 2023.
Slater Street / Seel Street
Flanagan's Apple "Flanagans"
A rather good, never changing, plastic fake Irish bar where the decor is perhaps more genuine than most, on three storeys. There's often a band on in the basement.
Last visited August 2023.
Mathew Street / Rainford Square
Flares (Abbey Road)
Not visited.
Mathew Street
Flight Club A darts-themed bar, opening August 2024.
Not visited.
Kenyons Steps
Flute (Flute & Firkin)
Hand pump
A large room with a high ceiling and a wooden floor nicely decorated. The menu looks very good value.
Last visited November 2024.
Hardman Street / South Hunter Street
Fly in the Loaf (Kirkland's)
Hand pump
I understand Kirklands was a bar/club with no draught beer. It has now been taken over by Okell's Brewery and re-launched as a quality pub. The interior is nicely decorated with mosaic and parquet flooring and wood panelled walls with some church style features. The excellent ales include Okell's and guests, and there is a fine range of bottles from around the world.
The odd name comes from the original use of the building, as Kirkland's Bakery.
Unusually for this guide, a purely personal comment: There is something about this pub I don't like but I can't work out what it is. The beer is superb, the staff friendly, and the interior pleasant and always spotless; and yet there's something wrong with the atmosphere. Check it out and let me know what you think.
Last visited April 2022.
Hardman Street / Baltimore Street
Rather nice 'modern' decor in this large one room pub for students. On my visit in 2013, I wasn't just the oldest person in the pub, I was the oldest by a factor of two - It comes to us all eventually! I think it was the same in 2024.
Last visited November 2024.
Oxford Street / Arrad Street
Frederiks (Blakes) (Roadkill) (Korova)
My notes for Blakes say: The modern decor features a wood and tile floor and the inevitable bare air conditioning ducts. Plenty of pool tables and pinball machines keep the students occupied. Opened February 2000.
Since I was there became Roadkill, and was then noted closed in 2009 before being taken over by Korova, which was itself closed by a major fire in April 2010, finally reopening as Frederiks, which is a modern bar with an excellent interior
Last visited 2021.
Hope Street next to the "Phil"
Friday's Now closed.
Not visited.
Adelphi Hotel, Brownlow Hill
Fusion (One 4 Club) I think this was a snooker club, in which case what happened to the "7"?
Now a night club.
Not visited.
Fleet Street / Roe Alley
Futurist (Beehive)
The Beehive: A long narrow traditionally decorated bar, with a food counter at the back. Some original features remained, including a ceramic dado in the standing area by the bar. Quality real ales were served.
Renamed and relaunched in 2023, the interior has been very re-done. Unfortunately the real ale is no more.
Last visited April 2023.
Paradise Street / School Lane
Garlands of Liverpool Never visited, but someone once described this to me as "one of the best venues in Liverpool". Now closed.
Not visited.
Fleet Street
Hand pump
A splendid old traditional small pub, beautifully kept, serving excellent beer, and always busy. Watch out for the sloping floor! The tiny back room has a plaque commemorating the founding of the Merseyside branch of CAMRA here on 18th January 1974.
Last visited 2021.
Cases Street
Globe Cafe Bar Now closed.
Not visited.
Cook Street
Goblin Now closed.
Not visited.
43 Canterbury Street, off Islington
Golf Bar The plain modern interior in this sports bar is kept clean and tidy, although the wooden floors are looking a little past their best. The small ground floor bar has plenty of TVs and the much larger basement bar features more TVs, a food counter and a golf simulator.
I noticed this was closed in April 2009.
Last visited 2004.
Tithebarn Street / Tempest Hey
GPO Market
This food court operation has quite a large bar where I was allowed to subvert the app ordering system and get a schooner of something very odd. A wide selection of craft beers is on offer.
Last visited September 2022.
Victoria Street / Stanley Street
Grand Central
An impressive building, originally the Methodist Central Hall, containing a number of separate bars and clubs. See Atlantis, Bar Celona, Bar Racine, Czar Bar and San Susi Bar.
Last visited 1999.
Renshaw Street
Grapes (Famous Grapes)
Hand pump
Very nicely preserved/done up old pub, famous because the Beatles drank here before performing at the Cavern Club. A bit dark in the back room where there's plenty of Beatles memorabilia but pleasingly they don't overdo it.
Last visited August 2023.
Mathew Street
Grapes (Grapes) (Sick Lizard)
Hand pump
The Grapes in 1999: It is hard to tell how much is faked in the fine antique interior which includes a nice wooden and tiled floor. This purported to be a "Porters Ale House" and had plenty of hand pumps, but only plastic Tetley was available when I visited.
In May 2000 it was taken over by new management who renamed it Sick Lizard and concentrated on live music.
More recently, however, the Grapes name has returned and in 2011 I found a choice of no less than nine real ales, both national and local brews, including three from Liverpool Organic, and a friendly, if somewhat quiet, atmosphere in this small traditional boozer.
More recently they've knocked through into next door and done a great job of tidying up the interior, while maintaining the excellent ale quality.
Last visited February 2025.
Knight Street / Roscoe Street
Gravity Max
This spectacular entertainment complex in the former Debenhams store features three bars. Offering activities from go-karting to bowling it is unsurprisingly popular with families.
Last visited August 2023.
South John Street
Guinan's Live music or disco. Late licence. Closed in February 2000 and joined together with McSorley's to become the Wonderbar and then Flares.
Last visited 1998.
Slater Street / Fleet Street
H Coffee and Bar Pleasant-looking cafe/bar located on platform 7.
Now closed.
Not visited.
Platform 7, Lime Street Station.
Ha! Ha! Now closed.
Not visited.
Albert Dock
Haigh Now closed.
Not visited.
John Moores University, Hardman Street (In the union building)

Not visited.
Mathew Street / Rainford Square
Harringtons (Pen and Wig) This large open one-roomed pub is pleasant and friendly, and has plain-ish decor including a number of large mirrors.
Last visited 2013.
Harrington Street
Harrison's (Cains) (Beaconsfield)
Cains was a very nicely preserved half-basement bar serving excellent beer and was well known for live music.
The Beaconsfield was plainly decorated, well looked after, and had some comfortable leather armchairs and sofas on a raised area. Unfortunately the handpump on the bar was purely decorative. Very quiet when I visited mid-afternoon on a Thursday, in fact I was the only customer. I noted it closed in 2017.
A major refurbishment brought Harrisons, a very pleasant comfortable place.
Last visited 2020.
North John Street / Victoria Street
Hartley's Closed. Formerly an up-market plastic basement bar, this has now been converted into a very posh private club called Baby Blue. Yorkshireman Jesse Hartley was Dock Surveyor from 1824 and was responsible for the construction of the Albert Dock warehouses.
Last visited 1997.
Albert Dock
Hartley's (Why Not) The Why Not was a two storey pub in which the upstairs was a tatty friendly bar dominated by an LSTV. Hartley's is apparently closed midweek evenings, and I haven't visited since the name change.
Now closed.
Last visited 1998.
Harrington Street / North John Street
Hatch (Dom-1's) (Faculty)
I visited DOM-1's, a dark one room corridor bar / disco, mid-evening on a Thursday. The bar staff were too busy chatting to serve us, so after five minutes we left.
Nineteen years later I tried Hatch in 2022, to find prompt service in a deserted bar, rather plain but well cared for.
Last visited November 2022.
Slater Street / Seel Street
Havana Now closed.
Not visited.
North John Street / Cook Street
Head of Steam (Old Monk) (Barracuda Bar) (Varsity) (Abbey)
Hand pump
Visiting the Old Monk on a Sunday afternoon in 1999 I was disappointed to find that none of the twelve hand pumps were on - or was it just that the barmaid (The till said her name was Barbie) found the plastic easier to serve? An impressive interior with a wooden floor and high ceilings. Having missed its Barracuda and then Varsity phases, I returned in 2010 to find the Abbey. The interior was still excellent and the place was packed with a Liverpool home game on the big screens. The real ale was spot on and they were doing a good trade in pub food. Revisiting in 2013 I found a ten percent discount for CAMRA members, and quality real ale once again. The menu ("Smith and Jones" chain) looks good.
In 2017 this became part of Cameron's Head of Steam chain. A major refurbishment has completely changed the interior, with the bar moving to an island in the middle. The decor is now bare air conditioning ducts, corrugated iron ceiling, and the industrial-style lighting that everywhere has to have nowadays. A selection of unusual real ales is matched by a menu of imported bottles from around the world.
Last visited 2021.
Hanover Street / Wood Street
Heebeejeebies Night club.
Not visited.
Seel Street / Back Colquitt Street
Hell & Hev'n Now closed.
Not visited.
Fleet Street / Roe Alley
Mainly aimed at coffee sales, at least during the afternoon, but draft beers are also available in this pleasant comfortable bar.
Last visited September 2023.
Tithebarn Street / Vernon Street
Hippie Chic
The interior is rather cleverly done out to look like you're in tents, or are they teepees? Decorated with flowers everywhere in hippie style. Music way too loud, considering I was the only customer.
Last visited May 2022.
Stanhope Street / Beaufort Street
Hooters (Newz)
Newz, from the outside, looked like an up market club, but I never visited.
After a long period of closure it became the UK's second Hooters site in 2022. Everyone thinks they know what Hooters is like, but don't assume until you've tried it. Claiming to be the largest branch of the franchise in the world, this is an impressive American style sports bar. Given its reputation, I was surprised by the number of family groups visiting on a Saturday afternoon.
Last visited January 2023.
Water Street / Covent Garden
Hope and Anchor "Scream"
Opened 23 September 1999, this large open noisy one-roomed pub is aimed firmly at the student market, and I found it surprisingly empty on a Thursday night in March 2004. It was even emptier when I returned on a Tuesday afternoon fifteen years later. The quirky decor is rather fun.
Last visited November 2024.
Maryland Street / South Hunter Street
Hope Street Cafe Bar
Not visited.
Hope Street / Rice Street
A well done cellar bar down a steep flight of stairs. They concentrate on whiskies and lambic beers. Highly recommended.
Last visited September 2023.
Constance Street
Horatio's In the Lord Nelson Hotel. Now closed.
Not visited.
Lord Nelson Street / Hotham Street
Horseshoe The plain grubby bar side of this two room pub was busy with plain grubby friendly regulars. The five globe light fitting above me had only one working bulb, and the one at the other end of the room had three missing globes.
Now closed and demolished.
Last visited 1999.
Pitt Street / Duncan Street
Hot Water Comedy Club (Sunnyland Slims) (Magnet) Sunnyland Slims was a Tex-Mex restaurant, Magnet was a bar and music venue, now this place is a comedy club.
Not visited.
Hardman Street
Hub Cafe Now closed, and converted to a Chinese restaurant.
Not visited.
Berry Street
Hummingbird Cocktail Bar
Not visited.
North John Street / Dale Street
Irish House (Dawsons)
Dawsons opened in 2014 in the former Dawson's music shop, and was a pleasant, plain, one-room bar, busy on a Saturday evening.
More recently it has been refurbished and has become the Irish House. The decor remains pleasant and the Irish theme is nicely understated, except for a surfeit of bunting. Very noisy in the evening, with live music on the small stage at the front, much quieter daytime.
Last visited 2022.
Ranelagh Street
Jacaranda "The Jac"
A traditionally done out lively friendly pub with multiple floors, well worth a visit. In 2015 I was surprised to read a report that they now serve real ale, but that has now gone.
Last visited August 2024.
Slater Street / Seel Street
Jaxx Club (New Streets) (Kiss The Red) Streets was a noisy busy Friday night disco. Not visited since the renamings.
Now closed and demolished.
Last visited 1997.
Hardman Street / Baltimore Street
Jimmy's (Cabin Club)
Cabin Club: No draught bitter in this slightly tatty club with two dance floors. Entry is by ringing a bell on a secret door at the top of Wood Street.
I was sad to see this boarded up and covered in scaffolding in 2017, but it has now been reincarnated as Jimmy's, a rather fine bar with modern styling.
Reported as closed in September 2023.
Last visited 2020.
Wood Street / Berry Street
Kazimier Garden
Hand pump

Not visited.
Seel Street / David Lewis Street
King John (Route 66)
The decor here, a totally fake but very well done baronial/cathedral style room, is great fun.
Last visited 2020.
Mathew Street
King's Arms Now closed.
Not visited.
28 St. James Street
King's Arms
Not visited.
London Road / Moss Street
Kiosk (Rococomodo) A rather impressive basement bar with a tiled floor, busy even on a Tuesday night.
Location was underneath what is now Modo, I'm not sure if the basement is still open as a separate operation.
Last visited 1998.
Fleet Street / Concert Street
La Tasca Tapas Bar
Not visited.
Queen Square
My first thought was that this is a bit of a dump, but that is not fair at all. One large room, pleasingly decorated and comfortable, well looked after, clean and tidy.
Last visited November 2024.
Seel Street / Colquitt Street
Lady of Mann
Hand pump
A nice one-room pub a little dark inside, across the large shared courtyard from Rigby's and run by the same management.
Last visited 2009.
Dale Street / Hackins Hey
One large open room with a school hall style parquet floor. The pleasant decor manages to achieve an Irish theme without being over the top. The interesting carved wood partitions were probably recovered from a church.
Last visited 2022.
Ranelagh Street
Lanigans of Slater Street (Slaters Bar)
Slaters: This two room pub was a bit of a dive, but not as bad as I had been led to expect. Cheap ale and late opening until 2am.
Lanigans: A very pleasant corridor bar decorated in church style, complete with pews and pulpit.
Last visited August 2024.
Slater Street / Seel Street
Late Lounge Now closed.
Not visited.
Victoria Street / Princes Street
Le Bateau Now closed.
Not visited.
62 Duke Street
Leaf Tea Shop and Bar
Hand pump
More an arty-farty cafe bar concentrating on tea than a pub, but they do serve quality real ale.
Last visited 2013.
Bold Street / Heathfield Street
Legends (Boogie Nights) (Quarry Quarter)
A pleasant sports-oriented bar. The bare brick walls are covered in TVs and pictures of sports stars.
Last visited 2020.
Mathew Street / Rainford Gardens
Legs of Man A two room pub plus cocktail lounge upstairs. The ground floor lounge was threadbare and smoky. Now closed and demolished.
Last visited 1998.
Lime Street / London Road
Lennon's Bar Now closed.
Not visited.
23 Mathew Street
Life Bar (Lyceum) Horrible fashionable plastic bar. Not visited since it changed its name but I doubt there's been any improvement.
Now closed.
Last visited 1998.
Bold Street
Liffey Bar
A nice wood and tiled floor and a splendid wooden ceiling in this popular open and airy one room pub which is pleasantly but not excessively "oirish". There's a small stage at one end.
Last visited July 2024.
Renshaw Street next door to Grand Central
Lime Street Central
Opened in December 2021, this pub has a large open interior with modern decor.
Last visited 2022.
Lime Street
Lion Tavern
Hand pump
Splendid historic decor in this three room preserved gem which has the classic L-shaped corridor layout. The small bar side is rather cluttered while the two room lounge side, comfortable and well cared for, only has two tiny hatches across the corridor for service. The corridor has fine tilework and a mosaic floor. The ale is always excellent.
Grade II listed building.
Last visited December 2022.
Moorfields / Tithebarn Street
Lisbon A splendid wood panelled cellar with an impressive plasterwork ceiling in this very gay bar.
Last visited 1999.
Victoria Street
A pleasant large one room flat house, well decorated. Live music most nights.
I have been told that during exceptionally high tides the kegs in the cellar are floating.
Last visited August 2022.
James Street
Liverpool Arts Bar
A nicely done up market bar, one large open room split by an island servery. There's a stage at one end for live performances.
Last visited 2021.
Hope Street / Maryland Street
Liverpool Brewing Company Tap (Sanctuary)
Hand pump
Sanctuary: One tiny room plus more seating downstairs. 6 handpumps serve quality real ales, and there's a wide selection of bottles as well. The quirky decor is rather pleasant. Very quiet on a Thursday afternoon - at one point there were only three staff and me in - but the loudspeakers suggested more noise later.
The door to the right of the counter which lead to the tattoo parlour next door and not to a further seating area has now been blocked.
Taken over by Liverpool Brewing Company in 2023 and now concentrating on their ales.
Last visited June 2023.
Lime Street / Ranelagh Street
Liverpool Gin Distillery
A very pleasant one room cocktail bar with some kind of distilling kit behind a glazed partition.
Last visited January 2025.
Castle Street / Harrington Street
Lock & Key A tiny, friendly and rather nicely decorated bar, with accommodation upstairs.
Last visited 2020.
Duke Street / Hanover Street
Lock Up Bar
Hand pump

Not visited.
North John Street / Dale Street
Loft (Baty's) Closed and boarded up.
Not visited.
North John Street / Mathew Street
Long Shot
Opened in 2021, this sports bar is in the historic Albert Dock warehouse and therefore features a vaulted brick ceiling and a stone floor. Efficient friendly service even when busy.
Last visited January 2023.
Gower Street, Albert Dock
Lord Nelson Bar In the Lord Nelson hotel.
Not visited.
Lord Nelson Street / Hotham Street
Loretta's Tavern (Tavern on the Green) (Alchemist) (Aether) Opened in December 2010, although the distressed varnish on the wooden floor looks a lot older than that. Along with the old wooden tables, the naked plywood ceiling and battleship grey walls it creates a pleasant fun ambience, sadly not matched by any atmosphere when I was the only customer on a Wednesday afternoon.
Revisiting in 2023 when it had become Aether, part of the Alchemist chain, I found a very good interior, but I'm afraid the cask ale was long gone.
I have not visited its most recent incarnation yet.
Last visited May 2023.
Kenyon's Steps, Liverpool ONE
Lounge 69

Last visited March 2023.
Hanover Street / School Lane
Love Lane Brewery
A contemporary warehouse conversion, lots of steel joists and bare brickwork. A small range (One when I was there) of cask ales as well as their craft brews.
Last visited May 2022.
Bridgewater Street / Simpson Street
Lucky's (River North) A Japanese themed bar.
Not visited.
Berry Street / Knight Street
Ma Boyle's (Ma Boyles Oyster Bar)
Hand pump
This was a rather quaint multi level pub hidden on a back street, specialising in seafood and excellent beer, and it was here in June 2000 that I finally realised a lifetime ambition and pulled my own pint!
Following a major refurbishment in late 2004 some of the quaintness has been lost, and the floor area has increased. Fortunately the fine ales remain.
Last visited 2020.
Tower Gardens, Off Water Street
Ma Egerton's
Hand pump
A well preserved old boozer (and there's quite a few of them in the back room!). The bell pushes for waitress service are still in place (but not in use). Live singer on Saturday night. Grab a granny!
Mary Ellen Egerton, born in Ireland in 1863, lived in London before taking over the American Bar on Lime Street. Later she moved to the Eagle on Pudsey Street. She was extremely well known, especially in theatrical circles, and was a friend of Charlie Chaplin. There are some pictures of her on display.
Spent a brief period closed, from May 2012, but then re-opened, and gained real ale. Eleven years later the quality of the beautiful interior and the ale continues.
Last visited June 2023.
Lord Nelson Street / Pudsey Street, beside Lime Street station.
Hand pump
Four hand pumps serving mainly local ales in this impressive bar in a fine old building. The single room is large, open and airy with big windows on to the street. Pleasant, nicely underdone decor. Now closed.
Last visited 2016.
Hardman Street / Rodney Street
Majestic Closed.
Not visited.
Smithdown Lane / Paddington
A tiny bar tucked below street level, rather nicely decorated.
Last visited August 2022.
Fenwick Street / Castle Hill
Mansion (Pacific)
Not visited.
Temple Street / Victoria Street
Mardi Gras Now closed.
Not visited.
off Bold Street
Masque Venue Now closed.
Not visited.
Seel Street / Colquitt Street
Not visited.
Cumberland Street / Dale Street
McCartneys Bar (Hanover)
My notes on the Hanover from 1999 say a very large, mostly opened out, one bar pub with pleasant decor. I ordered Directors from the one hand pump amongst a large array of keg fonts with some trepidation, but it was in fine condition.
Returning to what was now McCartney's in 2012 I found something very similar, with Beatles-themed decoration, and once again the solitary hand pump provided a fine pint.
Moving on to 2023, the hand pump has gone but the pleasant interior remains. The Beatles-themed decor is nicely understated.
Last visited March 2023.
Hanover Street / Fleet Street
McCooley's (Ruby Sky) (Office Bar)
An enormous open pseudo-Irish bar, very quiet on a midweek afternoon but I bet it's packed later. Lots of TVs showing sports. The menu looks good.
Last visited April 2022.
Concert Square / Wood Street
McCooley's (Edward's) (Smokies)
Back in 1997 I described Edwards's as "Noisy. Disco. Late licence." The place has been through a couple of changes since then, and McCooley's is an enormous "plastic paddy" place with three counters on various levels where the decor is well judged and not excessive. There are six or more pool tables.
It extends right through the building to another entrance on Stanley Street.
Last visited June 2024.
Temple Court / Mathew Street
McGreavey's (Sweeney's Bar)
A plain clean and tidy boozer in a former shop. Busy and lively with a loud singer on a Thursday afternoon.
Not visited after it was renamed.
Noted closed in 2024.
Last visited 2022.
Williamson Square
A tiny fun corridor bar concentrating on cocktails.
Last visited January 2025.
Castle Street / Sweeting Street
McHales Irish American Bar A plain, fairly narrow one bar pub with a disco. I went there one Saturday night and all the draught beer was off due to a power failure. On a Thurdsay evening visit it was a bit quieter than at the weekend and I was able to get a look at the rather nice dark wood decor with a slight maritime theme. Connected internally to Shamrocks next door.
Closed in 2016.
Last visited 2013.
Lime Street next to the Crown
McHales Irish American Bar
Opened in 2017 replacing their former location across the road which was demolished. One small pleasant plain room, busy when I've visited.
Last visited August 2022.
Lime Street
McSorleys Live band Friday night. Late licence. Closed early in 2000 and became part of the Wonderbar, and then Flares.
Last visited 1998.
Slater Street / Fleet Street
Mean Eyed Cat

Not visited.
Seel Street / Colquitt Street
Mello Mello Not visited, but a friend reports: No draught ale/lager at all. Ridiculous prices. Full of people who like to look cool, drink coffee etc. Thanks, Paul. Now closed.
Not visited.
Slater Street
Melodic Bar
A comfortable contemporary coffee bar that also sells good beer.
Last visited September 2023.
Constance Street
Merchants (Shufflebottoms) Now closed.
Not visited.
Hardman Street
Mersey Tavern Now closed.
Not visited.
Lord Street
Metrocola (Montana's) (Hannah's)
Hand pump
A very well done out beer hall.
Last visited January 2024.
Leece Street / Roscoe Street
Metz Now closed.
Not visited.
Mathew Street
Midland Hotel
Pic Pic
First licensed in 1875, this is a little plainer than the Central Hotel next door, but still has some fine leaded glass, cut glass mirrors, and woodwork.
Grade II listed building.
Last visited 2022.
Ranelagh Street / Cases Street
Milky Bar Now closed.
Not visited.
Wolstenholme Square
Miller & Carter Now closed.
Not visited.
Albert Dock
MITO (Sanctuary Tap)
Sanctuary Tap was a small corridor bar with the now standard 'industrial' decor of bare bricks and air ducts and retro lightbulbs. Three handpumps served quality real ales.
Now MITO is a pleasant Italian-themed corridor bar.
Last visited January 2025.
Castle Street
Modo (Arena Bar)
Not visited.
Wood Street / Concert Square
Molly Malones
A pleasant pseudo-Irish pub with one very well done out room. Pretty empty at 1pm on a Thursday, packed at four on a Friday during Cheltenham.
Last visited March 2024.
Victoria Street / Stanley Street
Mono's Pub An enormous two-sided knocked through pub, rather worn in places. I wonder where the unusual name comes from?
Now closed and demolished.
Last visited 1999.
51 Marybone / Marlborough Street
Hand pump
Traditional decor in this pleasant wooden-floored pub/restaurant with a large dining area at the rear.
After a period of closure and then refurbishment in 2024 this is now a member of the 1936 Pub Company chain with a wonderful quirky interior and offering excellent real ales.
This late C18 building is grade II listed.
Last visited December 2024.
Duke Street / Suffolk Street
Mood Indigo Now closed.
Not visited.
Mathew Street
Moorfields (Yates's)
A former Yates's taken over by Century Inns. The nice decor was beginning to look worn in places in this large one roomed pub. The benches outside were popular. A number of hand pumps, but none in use when I visited. LSTV.
Now closed and boarded up.
Last visited 1999.
Moorfields, opposite the station.
Mosquito Bar Now closed.
Not visited.
Victoria Street / Temple Street
Mr Caps (Kozys) A somewhat down-market boozer with unremarkable modern decor, serving cheap beer and therefore very popular. A sign offers free toasties.
Now closed.
Last visited 2014.
Whitechapel / Peter Street
Mulligan's (Beluga) (Django's Riff) (Cellar 24)
Back in 1998 I described Beluga as an arty-farty basement bar serving excellent draught Hoegaarden Wit.
Mulligan's is a rather well done Irish-style place, very quiet when I visited.
Last visited April 2022.
Wood Street
Navy Bar Located above the Sugar Fantasy Bar.
Not visited.
Stanley Street
Nectar (Quays) The decor in the long stone-floored ground floor bar is nicely understated but perhaps a little sterile. Some nice views of the tunnel entrance and the back of St George's Hall can be had from the fully glazed frontage. I didn't visit the "cocktail lounge" upstairs. Opened October 1999. Became Nectar in 2001 I think. Closed by May 2002.
Last visited 2000.
St John's Lane / Victoria Street
Neighbourhood (Trials) A spectacular interior, formerly the Midland Bank. Seems to be closed on weekday evenings.
Not visited since it was re-done as part of the 62 Castle Street Hotel, in 2006.
Last visited 1997.
By Queen Victoria statue
Nelly Foley's
One large open room, wood panelling and bare brick with "Irish" decor. Sports on the telly in the afternoon.
Last visited August 2022.
Charlotte Street
New Central Closed.
Not visited.
Pembroke Place opposite TJ's
Newington Temple (Old Rope Walk) (Bier)
Hand pump
The Old Ropewalk was a bog standard nicely decorated knocked through pub with one bar and some side areas, and served only keg beer.
In 2011 it was re-launched as Bier, concentrating on real ale from six handpumps, some continental lagers on tap, and a long list of bottled beers. The unusual interior decor is a combination of plain grey paintwork and white tiling.
In its 2020 guise, as Newington Temple, the range of real ales was reduced but the quality remained high.
Closed in February 2025 for a major refurbishment.
Last visited April 2022.
Newington / Back Bold Street
A pleasant clean and tidy two room pub with a front bar and a rear lounge served from a hatch. Perhaps a little threadbare in places. In 1999 I described the exterior as very scruffy but by 2008 it had been very nicely done up.
I think this is now closed.
Last visited 2008.
Nelson Street / Griffiths Street
NQ 64 (Bar Fresa) (Aloha)
Not visited.
Colquitt Street / Seel Street
O'Brien's (Glass Onion)
This plain corridor bar opened as the Glass Onion in 2012 in what used to be part of Hardy's next door, I think. In July 2012 I was somewhat startled to find that bitter, lager, Guinness and mild were all £1.50 a pint! As you might expect at those prices, the clientele were somewhat down-market.
Returning in 2023, the prices have gone up a little with lager being £2.50.
Last visited August 2023.
Mathew Street / Rainford Square
The decor in this cavernous basement with a stone floor is very pleasant and more subtle than in most "Irish" bars. The menu looks good, and there's white pudding in the Irish breakfast. Live music most nights.
Last visited July 2022.
Hanover Street / Wood Street
O2 Academy (L2) L2 was a night club, O2 is a music venue.
Not visited.
Hotham Street / Bridport Street
Officers Mess
Hand pump
A pleasant atmosphere in this basement bar. There's a large selection of imported bottled beer along with a small range on hand pump. The menu looks good. I found it disappointingly empty on a Friday afternoon.
Reported closed in 2011.
Last visited 2011.
Victoria Street / Temple Lane
Old Bank (First National Wine Bar)
Hand pump
This pub, in what was "The National Bank", has a splendid interior with marble columns and a tiled dance floor, plus a balcony above the bar. When it was just called the First National it was disappointingly scruffy inside, but along with the Wine Bar suffix has come a nice repaint and tidy up.
More recently, as the Old Bank, the inside is even better. Quality real ales are served.
Last visited January 2025.
James Street / 24 Fenwick Street
Old Gas Station
A small bar with much of its seating outside.
Last visited 2018.
Cains Brewery Village
Old Post Office
Tiny well preserved pub with a U-shaped knocked through area around the bar, and a separate dining room. Very busy Saturday lunch time, especially if there's football on the TV. Visiting in 2017 I was surprised to see real ale had arrived, the one I had was spot on. In 2024 I found none.
Last visited June 2024.
School Lane / Old Post Office Place
One Under
Crazy golf and other games inside this building with a very impressive frontage. Inside there is an attractive bar area at the front.
Last visited November 2024.
Bold Street / Hanover Street
Only Fools Bar
Not visited.
Seel Street / Concert Street
Oriel Bar Hidden down a narrow alley is this combined bar and barbers. A small front room contains both and the counter and there is also more seating in other rooms. Comfortable enough but I wish people would close the door when they go out!
Last visited December 2024.
Oriel Close off Water Street
Outpost Craft Beer / Kitchen / Cocktails says the sign.
Not visited.
Renshaw Street
A plain, well cared for tiny traditional friendly corner house with two rooms. The lounge has only a serving hatch. Sadly the hand pumps seem to be no longer in use. When I visited the barmaid was also providing a manicure service in the lounge.
Closed in 2009.
Last visited 2004.
Oxford Street / Grove Street
Paco's Bar Now closed.
Not visited.
25 Stanley Street
Paddy's Bar (Clock) (Dixie Dean's Bar)
A one room corridor bar, plus a pool room at the back. This place used to be extremely scruffy but more recently it had been nicely tidied up.
Noted boarded up in 2022.
Last visited 2019.
London Road / Camden Street
Pan American Club
Not visited.
Albert Dock
Hand pump
A very pleasant restaurant/bar serving fine cask ales.
Last visited January 2024.
Falkner Street / Hope Street
Partington's Now closed.
Not visited.
Cook Street
Not visited.
Seel Street / Slater Street
Peaky Blinders
A rather good bar in an old industrial building, part of the former Cains brewery.
Last visited 2018.
Cains Brewery Village
Pen Factory
Hand pump
Spot on real ale, and the food looks good in this place formerly run by the operator of the sadly missed Everyman Bistro, now operated by the people who run the Bridewell. Not as canteen-like as the Everyman was, there is waiter service here for food. Bare beams and air conditioning ducts are the decor but the large open room is pleasant. I bet it gets a bit noisy at busy times. Quality real ales.
Last visited November 2024.
Hope Street
Pepper Cat Sports A basement sports bar opened in 2021.
I'm told this is now closed.
Not visited.
Bold Street / Ropewalks Square
Peter Kavanagh's
Hand pump
This wonderful preserved Victorian multi-roomed pub has a slightly eccentric interior including a collection of old transistor radios suspended from the ceiling!
Peter Kavanagh took over the pub in the late 1890s and named it The Grapes. He became well known in the Liverpool area, serving as a councillor for many years, and was also responsible for a number of successful inventions. By the time of his death in 1950, his pub had become known as Peter Kavanagh's.
Grade II listed building.
Recommended reading: Peter Kavanagh's - A 150 Year History of a Liverpool Pub by Patrick A Kavanagh. Walton Hall Press.
Last visited November 2023.
Egerton Street (near Upper Parly)
Phase One
Not visited.
Seel Street / David Lewis Street
Philharmonic Dining Rooms "Phil"
Hand pump
This well known pub has a front bar plus a couple of side rooms (named Brahms and Liszt!), and the former billiard room at the end of the corridor. The spectacular and well preserved Edwardian interior is a deservedly famous tourist attraction, especially the mosaics and ceramics in the gents. (Female tourists are encouraged to go in to the gents to take a photo!) Six or seven real ales are on offer. The food is very good.
In 2020 Historic England upgraded this to a Grade I listing.
Last visited November 2024.
Hardman Street / Hope Street
Philharmonic Hall
Hand pump
The foyer bar (Actually it's upstairs) is open to the general public during performances. I don't recommend you nip in for a quick one just before the show, or during the interval!
Last visited 2009.
Hardman Street / Hope Street
Picturehouse (Spencer's Bar) Spencer's was a scruffy bar selling cheap beer. After being closed for a number of years it has been nicely refurbished and reopened as the Picturehouse. The decor is plain traditional in one main room and two side areas. Large windows look out across London Road. Following the demolition of the adjacent cinema, the pub building now stands in isolation.
Noted closed in 2017.
Last visited 2003.
London Road / Hotham Street
Pier Head (Mersey Tavern) Closed. After years as a Chinese restaurant this is being redeveloped in 2009.
Not visited.
Pier Head
Pig and Whistle
Hand pump
This pub had a superb traditional interior with a real fire in the main bar, and a side room up a few steps. A refurbishment in 2005 sadly stripped out the wonderful dark wood panelling, but retained the basic layout and the fire. Moving on to 2025, it has been refurbished again and remains a comfortable friendly pub serving decent cask ales.
Last visited January 2025.
Covent Garden / Chapel Street
Pilgrim (Friends of the Academy of Arts)
Hand pump
Down the steps to a wooden floored bare brick walled one room bar where, many years ago, I was refused a top up on a very short pint. No such problems on more recent visits, thank goodness. I think the upstairs bar is now for functions only.
Closed for refurbishment from 1 August 2024.
Last visited 2021.
Pilgrim Street / Rice Street
Pins Social Club
This bowling alley has a rather good bar area, you don't have to bowl to enjoy some tasty beer.
Last visited November 2022.
Duke Street / York Street
Pixel (Belgica)
In Belgica Belgian-style food and beer were served in very pleasant surroundings. It closed in April 2023, to be replaced by a video game bar called Pixel.
Last visited July 2022.
Wood Street / Back Colquitt Street
PJ's Now closed.
Not visited.
Wood Street
Platform 89
A smallish bar nicely done with modern decor.
Last visited July 2024.
Cains Brewery Village
Pogue Mahone
In 1999 I described this "Irish" bar as rather tatty, but it's been very well tidied up since then. Possibly the nearest you'll find to a real Irish pub in Liverpool, and they do the proper pour-stand-pour procedure on a pint of Guinness.
A grade II listed building, I'm told.
Last visited November 2024.
Seel Street / Back Berry Street
A rather nice, plain, slightly worn but clean, knocked through pub with a high ceiling, totally empty when I visited on a Wednesday evening. An impressive array of darts trophies and some interesting old photos of the pub and its environs are on display.
Now closed.
Last visited 1999.
56 Christian Street / Tom Mann Close
Popworld (Howl at the Moon) (Reflex)
Not visited.
Wood Street / Hanover Street
Porky's (Cabin)
Opened 2017, I think. Closed and demolished in 2020. (This was not the more well known Cabin club, now Jimmy's, which is on the other side of the road.)
Not visited.
Berry Street / Roscoe Lane
Port Bar
A modern-styled place with bare wood and corrugated tin decor. Bright, cheerful and comfortable.
Noted closed in 2023.
Last visited 2019.
London Road / Norton Street
Porthole Club (Smoky Joe's) Now closed.
Not visited.
Mathew Street / Stanley Street
Post Office
In 1998 I wrote: A rather odd layout with the S-shaped servery running diagonally between the lounge and bar sides to make the most of the long narrow shape. Pleasant enough decor looking a little worn in places. This place doesn't keep to the opening hours on the sign, but keep trying and eventually you'll be rewarded with some excellent ales.
Sadly, by 2002 the real ale had disappeared. So had most of the customers, as the place was deserted, unlike the Blind Tiger next door.
Closed by 2016.
Last visited 2002.
Pembroke Place / Great Newton Street
Poste House A minute traditional two bar pub with nice decor and good beer. Always busy and friendly. The second (reputedly haunted) bar is upstairs. The pub has been saved from demolition as part of the redevelopment of the area - Obviously my signing the petition was worthwhile. It is said that Adolf Hitler drank in here during his alleged stay in Liverpool in 1912/13!
Last visited November 2023.
Cumberland Street
Prince of Wales Hotel
Closed. In September 1999 a large sign on this impressive grade II listed building described it as a development opportunity. Years later there has been no progress.
Not visited.
London Road / Moss Street
Pulse Club Previous names include Metro, Zub Club and Buzz Club. Now closed and demolished.
Not visited.
Skelthorne Street
Pump House
Hand pump
In 2003 I described this as a tacky plastic tourist trap selling food and expensive beer to the Albert Dock visitors.
In 2008 I found it nicely refurbished and substantially improved, with friendly helpful staff serving very good food. By 2011 they'd also gained a basic real ale range, and in 2015 this was substantially broadened, with up to ten on tap. Moving on to 2023 quality real ales and food continue.
Last visited January 2023.
Albert Dock
Punch & Judy A strange layout with three front doors in this popular friendly down market two-bar boozer selling cheap beer. Burnt out and then demolished in 2012.
Last visited 2006.
Bolton Street
Punch Tarmey's
An enormous and very well done member of the small chain, with at least three separate bars inside.
Last visited May 2022.
Grafton Street / Stanhope Street (Entrance on each)
Qube Now closed.
Not visited.
Slater Street / Wood Street
Queen Of Hope Street (Refinery)
Hand pump
The Refinery was a modern up-market food-oriented place, rather well done.
The Queen of Hope Street has transformed the interior with a very attractive styling, and added an excellent range of real ales.
Last visited December 2024.
Myrtle Street / Hope Street
Queens Closed. Boarded up when I passed in November '99.
Not visited.
Hardy Street / Upper Frederick Street
Queens (Famous Old Porterhouse) (Queens)
Hand pump
My notes on the Famous Old Porterhouse said "Trendy, up market place. Food served upstairs. The decor is rather odd but nice. The cask conditioned ales are, unusually for Merseyside, served by electric pump. An impressive display of bottled beers in glass cases - It's a shame they don't sell them!"
After spending a period closed in July 2002 this re-opened under its old name Queens. The beer bottle collection had gone but otherwise the interior style looked pretty similar to me. The real ale was delivered by a traditional hand pump. Surprisingly quiet on a Friday evening.
Reported closed in June 2010, and now a bookie.
Last visited 2003.
Williamson Square
Hand pump
A large well cared for pub with a high ceiling. It's unusual to find a place which still has this many separate rooms, with opening out limited to widening some doorways. They serve excellent ale and and the food looks good - they were doing a roaring trade in breakfast fry-ups when I visited on a Friday lunchtime.
Once, arriving as a darts match was ending, I enjoyed some fine free scouse.
Last visited December 2023.
Tithebarn Street / Stephens Lane
Ranelagh's Tavern
Pleasant modern decor in this converted shop with one large mostly open room. Some comfy bench seats round the walls. The selection of up to five real ales was good quality and remarkably cheap back in 2017, now gone.
Last visited August 2022.
Ranelagh Street / Cases Street
Rat 'n' Parrot This new construction, opened February 1999, has three very nicely decorated storeys inside. There are plenty of hand pumps, but all were off when I visited. Ordinary bitter was £1.90 a pint. Now closed, the site has been redeveloped.
Last visited 1999.
Queen Square
Raven Now closed.
Not visited.
Albert Dock
Red Dog Saloon (Lolas) (Bar VR) (Meet)
2004: This plain bar is slightly down at heel, and had customers to match when I visited on a Saturday afternoon. As well as the main room there's an area with bench seats at the back, and a balcony bar upstairs. The beer is remarkably cheap.
2019: After a series of name changes we find Red Dog, a rather well done place concentrating on food.
Last visited 2019.
Bold Street / Slater Street
Red Door (Trader Jacks) (Black Horse and Rainbow) (Brewery) (Metropolitan)
Hand pump
The Brewery served excellent beer, brewed on the premises (The brewing vessels were on display at the front of the building.) as well as ales from elsewhere. A plain pub in one large wooden-floored room, quiet in the early evening but probably buzzing later. The Lemon Lounge night club is upstairs.
Not visited since it became Metropolitan, but I understand the brewery and the real ale has gone.
Metropolitan closed in 2011, reportedly to be converted to an hotel, but a few years later another incarnation appeared. Red Door is apparently a cocktail bar.
Last visited 2003.
Berry Street
Red Lion
Hand pump
A wonderful pub serving quality ales, not at all the sort of place you expect to find on Slater Street. Highly recommended. If it seems a bit full, there's another room to the rear and another bar upstairs.
Last visited February 2024.
Slater Street / Parr Street
Remeniss (Labinsky's)
Labinsky's was an arty-farty cocktail bar. The small dance floor had a sign saying "dance floor", possibly indicating the intelligence level of the clientele.
Remeniss is a nicely done out clean and tidy disco, providing cheap beer early on, and loud music and disco lighting later.
Last visited August 2023.
Mathew Street
Not visited.
Albert Dock
Not visited.
Victoria Street / Temple Court
Richmond Pub
Hand pump
This tiny gem has friendly staff and customers and serves an excellent pint of real ale. The rather good decor includes a couple of fine chandeliers and some stylish curtains. There are also a number of tables outside. The only thing wrong with this great pub is that it is way too small and therefore almost always crowded.
Last visited June 2024.
Richmond Street / Williamson Street
A well looked after one room traditional town centre boozer, nicely decorated. Always busy with racing fans.
Last visited September 2022.
Mount Pleasant
Rios Now closed.
Not visited.
Fleet Street
River Bar & Brasserie Now closed.
Not visited.
Albert Dock
Rockford's Long closed, this was in the same block as Doctor Duncan's.
Not visited.
St John's Lane
Rocking Horse
In July 2020 the signs said "Coming Soon". Lockdown delayed things but they opened in June 2021. Attractive decor in one large room with a long counter along one side, and a stage at the end, live music being an important part of the offer here.
Last visited 2021.
Great Charlotte Street
Roots Cafe Bar (Stowell's) (River Bar) Now closed.
Not visited.
Victoria Street / Old Haymarket
Roscoe Head
Hand pump
This superb preserved gem has four tiny rooms, and your chances of a seat are low at busier times. The wonderful collection of ties was removed during redecoration summer 1998. Excellent real ale is always on offer, two regulars and four guests.
One of only five pubs to have been included in all editions of the Good Beer Guide.
Last visited November 2024.
Roscoe Street, off Hardman Street
Rose & Crown A pleasant plainly decorated one bar pub partly knocked through but the pillars separate the rooms. There's some nice (original?) woodwork, I particularly like the arches.
Last visited 2021.
Cheapside / Dale Street
Royal Closed and demolished.
Not visited.
Bridgewater Street
Royal Court Theatre Not strictly within the purview of this guide since it is open only to the audience, but worthy of a mention. The lounge has wooden panelled walls and comfortable leather seats and the bar a tiled floor, all in the basement of this theatre. On my visit only bottled beer was available, Budweiser, Heineken or Stella.
Last visited 1999.
Queen Square
Royal George A fairly decorated corridor bar with completely fake etched windows.
Noted closed in 2016, and since demolished.
Last visited 1999.
Pembroke Place / Moor Place
Royal Institution Bar
A cocktail bar.
Not visited.
Colquitt Street / Parr Street
Royal William Closed.
Not visited.
2 Crown Street
Rubber Soul
In 1998 I logged this as a disco with a late licence which was buzzing on a Friday night.
On a Saturday afternoon in 2020 it's more of a pub, with lots of football on TVs. Prompt and efficient service.
Last visited 2020.
Mathew Street
Ruby Blues
Opened in 2015, a well done shop conversion decorated with a music theme. Only open Friday to Sunday, I think, with lots of live music.
Last visited 2020.
Great Charlotte Street
Hand pump
A rather pleasant well looked after and lively pub in two traditionally decorated rooms sharing a common bar counter. The lunchtime food looks good.
Grade II listed building.
Last visited January 2023.
Dale Street / Hackins Hey
Saint Paul's Closed and demolished, with no trace remaining.
Not visited.
Earle Street / St Paul's Square
Sams Bar and Grill Now closed.
Not visited.
Tithebarn Street / Old Hall Street
San Susi Bar Closed.
Not visited.
Grand Central, Renshaw Street
Santa Chupitos
Not visited.
Slater Street / Parr Street
Sapphire's Now closed.
Not visited.
77 Bold Street
Scholar (Arena Bar) (OSQA)
A pleasant student-oriented boozer, deserted on a Tuesday afternoon out of term time.
Last visited 2019.
Roscoe Street / Oldham Street
Scruffy Murphy's
An impressive large well decorated basement bar, with many TVs for sports. Ticking over at half three on a Friday.

There is a small stage with mic stand at one end of the room, so presumably live music features sometimes. A side room has pool tables, no one was playing when I was there.
Last visited May 2024.
Rainford Gardens
Sgt Peppers
A well done modern bar aiming at the Beatles tourists. Plenty of live music.
Last visited 2020.
Mathew Street
Opened in November 2008 on the site of a previous pub of the same name, it has tastefully done modern decor with a dark wood bar front and bar back, and wood and tiled flooring. The ground floor bar has a high ceiling and large windows affording a view of the taxi rank. More seats on the balcony and there's another larger bar upstairs, more comfortable and with excellent views. In their first week I noted two hand pumps apparently "just for decoration" but I'm pleased to report that a week later they were in use serving excellent real ale. Returning in 2022 I found the real ale has gone.
Last visited 2022.
Williamson Square
Shamrock (Bar Med) (Queens)
A plain cheerful basic boozer tucked in the corner of the Queen's Square development. Noted closed in September 2020.
Last visited 2018.
Queen Square
Shamrocks Joined to McHales bar, effectively they're two halves of the same pub. This side is a plain cheerful corridor bar, with live music every day. On my most recent visit a rather fine guitarist/violinist/singer was performing.
Now closed and demolished.
Last visited 2013.
Lime Street next to the Crown
Shenanigans (Rising Sun)
WWW PicPic
A pleasant little friendly "Irish" bar with a tiny main room and an even smaller back room. The quirky decor is better than most examples of the genre.
Last visited September 2023.
Tithebarn Street / Smithfield Street
Ship and Mitre "The Flaky" "Flakies"
WWW PicPicPicPic
Hand pump
An impressive selection of excellent ales is always available along with a wide range of imported beers on draught and in bottles, and the occasional festivals are well worth a visit. The inside is very nicely decorated and well looked after, but sadly the real gas lamps in the back room are now electric. There is also a splendid Art Deco wood-panelled "cocktail bar" upstairs, used as a function room. The nicknames came from the scruffy flaking paintwork on the exterior, and are no longer appropriate.
My only complaint about this pub is that it's always busy and it is often difficult to find a seat or hold a conversation.
Last visited December 2023.
Dale Street / North Street
Shipping Forecast (Guinans) (Flares)
Back in 1998 Flares was a rather good two floor club playing 70s disco music to a clientele the majority of whom weren't even born then! It was always packed when I visited.
Opened in May 2010, Shipping Forecast has quirky decor in which the now traditional bare air ducts and ceiling joists mix with odd bits of radio equipment and old illuminated signs. Plenty of bare brick and a wooden floor complete the excellent effect. The chunky speakers suggest a lively evening atmosphere but it was very peaceful and comfortable when I visited on a Thursday afternoon.
Part of this is a music venue called Hold in the basement.
Last visited March 2023.
Slater Street / Fleet Street
This cocktail bar is a shop conversion with some antique (or well faked) fittings creating a pleasant overall effect. Efficient staff provide good service.
Last visited 2022.
Williamson Square
Sir Thomas Hotel (Henry's) Henry's was a nicely decorated - art deco and potted plants - up market cafe bar, part of a national chain. The draught beer fonts had no labels on and we had to ask what the beer was. The barman rang the bell every time a tip was received, but he didn't get one from me. (Not at these prices!)
Not visited since the name change.
Last visited 2000.
Victoria Street / Cumberland Street
Sketch (Lord Warden)
Lord Warden: This nice small traditional one-bar city centre boozer had a wide range of clientele, from 18 to 80, and was popular with racing fans on Saturday afternoon.
After a period of intermittent beer quality, a new licensee in late 2007 brought excellent real ale. This disappeared in 2009, and shortly afterwards came a temporary period of closure.
Open again under new management in 2010, the interior had been remodelled and redecorated. The real ale seemed to be back on, I had some excellent pints of Timothy Taylor's and others. Moving on to 2019, the real ale had disappeared.
Sir Winston Churchill, depicted in caricature on the pub's sign, was appointed Lord Warden of the Cinque Ports in 1941, one of the higher honours bestowed by the sovereign. Wellington, whose column is nearby, also held this title.

Sketch: 2021 brought a total change of style, with brightly coloured paintwork inside and out.
Last visited September 2022.
London Road / Camden Street
Slaughter House (Bennet's) (O'Neill's)
The "music room" is a dark and dingy but rather atmospheric cellar used for live music. The upstairs is a nicely done fake antique "Irish" bar with wooden floor and some ancient looking ceiling beams. The floor vibrates with the noise of the band downstairs!
Up to the early 60s this was a Bass house called Bennet's Wine Merchants.
Last visited January 2023.
Fenwick Street / Old Ropery
Slug and Lettuce
A split level interior pleasantly decorated, in this plastic place aimed at cocktail drinkers and diners.
Last visited 2021.
North John Street / Cook Street
Smokie Mo's
Not visited.
Grand Central, Renshaw Street
Smokie's (JR's Bar and Grill) (Smokie Mo's)
JR's: This well looked after one room bar has the standard late 90s decor with naked heating ducts above. The menu of standard pub dishes looks good value. On a Saturday early evening, the singer was deafening.
It became Smokie Mo's and then Smokie's before I visited again, but not much has changed.
Last visited 2020.
Great Charlotte Street
Smugglers Cove
Not visited.
Albert Dock
Society Now closed.
Not visited.
Duke Street / York Street
Soho (Holy Joe's) (Arena) (Allure)
This night club sort of place has a large outdoor area at the front. A bit dead early on a Thursday afternoon but I expect it's lively later.
Last visited July 2022.
Bold Street / Concert Square
Solo Bar / Pizzeria.
Not visited.
Bold Street / Colquitt Street
Some Place An absinthe bar, hidden and unmarked.
Not visited.
Seel Street
Not visited.
Duke Street / York Street
Sound Factory UK Now closed.
Not visited.
Mount Pleasant, above Dickie Lewis's
Sound Garden Now closed.
Not visited.
Dale Street
Spanish Caravan
A very pleasant one room bar offering a range of beers from Spain and elsewhere.
Last visited March 2023.
Slater Street / Seel Street
Spiral Staircase Now closed and demolished.
Not visited.
Old Hall Street
Square Opened in May 99, this night club/bar has a very impressive interior with wood panelling and an amazing revolving multi-screen video display above the circular bar. There is another bar on the balcony. Now reported as closed.
Last visited 2000.
Old Haymarket
St Luke's Bombed Out Church
This outdoor cafe at the famous Bombed Out Church serves real ale, I'm told.
Not visited.
Leece Street
St Peters Tavern
Hand pump
Wow! Opened in November 2024 in the former Alma de Cuba restaurant, this church building contains a stunning pub on three floors. I'm not going to try to describe it, you need to come and have a look.
A wide selection of quality cask ales is offered.
Last visited December 2024.
Seel Street / Slater Street
Stags Head
This was a clean and tidy, plain one bar boozer. Pool table. Now closed.
Last visited 1998.
Pembroke Place
State (Garlands) Temporary home of Garlands until November 2003.
Now closed.
Not visited.
Dale Street / Eberle Street
Stella 66 Quarry tiled floor and wooden tables in this basement bar with a basic and cheap food menu. Lots of TVs on different channels as well as a radio playing. The bitter was sour and the barrel needed changing.
Now closed.
Last visited 2004.
66 Mount Pleasant / Roscoe Street
Strawberry Fields (Hopskotch) (Hatch)
This cafe in the ground floor of a youth hostel is nicely decorated in modern "industrial" style.
Last visited 2020.
Mathew street / Stanley Street
Sugar Fantasy Bar Now closed.
Not visited.
Stanley Street
Swan Now closed and demolished. When I visited in 1999 I wrote: The 1950s style interior has seen better days, although it's not as rough as the "toilet wall" tiled exterior would suggest. A large bar and lounge plus a small front room served from a hatch. An unusual feature of this pub was that it had doors on three streets.
Last visited 1999.
London Road / Seymour Street / Vincent Street
Swan Inn
Hand pump
This basic back street pub has been very nicely refurbished. The excellent beer and the excellent rock jukebox remain, I'm pleased to report. Beers include about eight real ales and a fine selection of Belgian bottles including Westmalle Tripel, Delerium Tremens and Busch Blonde. There's another bar upstairs where they hold the quiz.
Last visited July 2022.
Wood Street / Colquitt Street
T.P.Molloy's Now closed.
Not visited.
Victoria Street / Temple Court
Tank Room
One very high ceilinged room in this bar in a converted modern brewery building. There are also some tables outside. They used to do a fine pint of Krusovice from a bulk tank but sadly no longer.
Last visited July 2024.
Cains Brewery Village
Teddy's (Bar Azure) (Hideout)
Not visited.
Slater Street / Wood Street
Tempest on Tithebarn
A comfortable contemporary bar. The house lager comes from two large tanks at the end of the counter.
Last visited September 2023.
Tithebarn Street / Hackins Hey
Temple Bar A nice deserted basement bar, plain tasteful decor with a wooden floor, a living fire and impressive mirrors. Cheap beer and spirits. Disgusting bogs!
Now closed.
Last visited 1999.
Dale Street / Temple Street
Tess Rileys
A classic busy pub with pleasant "ordinary" decor, very lively on a Saturday night with a generally older clientele. Live music most nights.
Last visited January 2024.
Great Charlotte Street
Thomas Rigby's (Rigby's)
Hand pump
1999: A scruffy exterior and rather nice half timbered interior with wood beams and bare bricks in this two-sided pub. A little run down and slightly tatty in places.
2003: Having been taken over by Okells, the pub has been very well re-done while retaining some nice original-looking features, including leaded glass in the bar front, the old Rigby's sign displayed above the bar, and the ancient wood panelling in the back room. In addition to the main space there are a number of side areas and separate rooms. The excellent beers include Okells seasonal brews and guests, and a good range of bottled beers from around the world.
Nelson is reputed to have met with Lady Hamilton in the back room, at which time it was a coffee house.
Grade II listed building.
See also the Lady of Mann which shares the rear courtyard.
Last visited December 2023.
Dale Street / Hackins Hey
Three Graces (Tom Hall's Tavern) (Jurgen's Bierhaus)
Jurgen's was a large cellar bar in three rooms, decorated with an impressive display of LFC memorabilia.
Last visited 2020.
The Strand / Brunswick Street
Time Out Now closed.
Not visited.
Pownall Square
Tom Thumb Cocktail bar.
Not visited.
Hardman Street / Rodney Street
Tru Cafe Bar Now closed.
Not visited.
Trueman Street
Underground (Garlands) Night club.
Not visited.
Eberle Street / Tempest Hey
United Powers
Hand pump
This nice opened out one-bar pub was decorated with WW2 memorabilia. The quality of the beer was mediocre when I visited. Now closed and demolished.
Last visited 1998.
86 Tithebarn Street
Vault Basement bar, now closed.
Not visited.
Hardman Street / Pilgrim Street
Velvet Lounge (Cafe Buro) Closed, the building is now a shop.
Not visited.
Bold Street / Heathfield
Vernon Arms
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Hand pump
A confusingly sloped wooden floor and a high ceiling. The counter itself is dead level, but your table slopes with the floor. The excellent ales include a wide range of guests, with six available when I visited. After being closed for five years, they re-opened in April 2009 with almost no changes apart from a good redecorating job. The food, basic pub fare, looks good.
Having noted the place boarded up during the first lockdown I was pleased to find it open again in July 2020.
Last visited December 2023.
69 Dale Street / Vernon Street
Victoria Cross (New Court) (Ned Kelly's) (Ruben's Bar) Ned Kelly's: Plain decor complete with stuffed crocodile, boxing kangaroo etc. I particularly like the Ned Kelly lampshades.
Its more recent manifestation as the Victoria Cross has scrapped all the Australian stuff, and has pleasant modern understated decor, very well done.
One handpump was operational on my most recent visit, providing quality ale.
Last visited November 2023.
Victoria Street / Sir Thomas Street
Vines "Big House"
Hand pump
The interior, especially the spectacular back room, is in my opinion easily a match for the more well known Philharmonic(qv). Make sure you take a look at the beaten fire surround, wood carving, plasterwork panels and semi-booth seating in the end lounge. The exterior is also impressive.
The Grade II* listed building was looking more neglected as time passed until at last, in 2023, a fine refurbishment has restored the glory of the interior. And they've added excellent real ale.
Lime Street / Copperas Hill
Wall Of Fame
Located immediately above the Cavern Pub, this music-oriented bar is lively and popular. It extends through the building with a second entrance on Victoria Street.
Last visited 2020.
Mathew Street and Victoria Street
Wall Of Fame
A large bar with rather good decor. Very loud music and no customers at three on a Friday, I bet it's wedged later.
Last visited May 2024.
Rainford Gardens
A large hotel bar in the famous Adelphi Hotel. In 2013 it was very busy on a Thursday afternoon with most of the customers being pensioners. The wise-cracking barman kept them entertained.
Returning in 2022 I found it a lot quieter, with just a few pensioners keeping the place ticking over.
Last visited August 2022.
Adelphi Hotel, Lime Street
Wetherspoon's Captain Alexander
Hand pump
Opened in June 2019, this is a rather smaller than average member of the chain, pleasantly decorated with dark wood panelling. Very busy whenever I visit. There's a large roof garden upstairs.
Last visited September 2022.
James Street
Wetherspoon's Fall Well (Cunarder)
Hand pump
Opened in July 2002, this is a stylish up-market bar carrying Wetherspoon's Lloyds No. 1 brand, built by joining the former Cunarder and City Pets next door. Unlike the standard 'spoons locations it has TV screens and music. I re-visited here late on a Friday evening, and Wetherspoon's are to be congratulated, I think, for providing youth oriented loud music, DJ and flashing lights and yet still managing to serve excellent real ale.
Last visited 2021.
Queen Square
Wetherspoon's Lime Kiln
Hand pump
I first attempted a visit on a Saturday afternoon but they were closed due a power failure.
A subsequent attempt found a range of quality real ales on sale at very low prices in this Lloyds No. 1 variety of the Wetherspoon chain.
A large two floor pub with rather strange decor in which the wood panelling and stylish, rather twee, lampshades contrast with enormous metal heating ducts. Very quiet on a weekday lunchtime. The prices here are significantly cheaper than the other branches in Liverpool.

This place appeared on a Wetherspoon's list of pubs to be closed but I gather they have purchased the lease and reprieved it, thank goodness.
Last visited 2021.
Fleet Street / Concert Square
Wetherspoon's North Western
Hand pump
The Head of Steam opened in Autumn 2000. Three bars and a "diner" downstairs plus more on the balcony. The three downstairs bars were very different: Studio 58 was a trendy plastic beer bar, the display bar contained a nice collection of railway signs and models, and the third bar was the best of all - Traditional decor and a dozen hand pumps with an impressive range of real ales, both common and unusual. In 2006 I found half the bars were closed and the real ale quality was very poor. Returning in 2011 I found the real ale choice was down to three, but the one I sampled was in excellent nick. As time went on the choice of ales got smaller and the quality lower.
On 7 July 2015 Wetherspoon's revealed a very impressive refurbishment, two million pounds worth, which has created an excellent addition to the chain. Amazingly, they even managed to squeeze in an outdoor area.
Lime Street Station
Wetherspoon's Richard John Blackler
Hand pump
A very large place converted from the former Blackler's department store in 1995, its central location makes it a very popular meeting point before a night out in town; it is always busy. A wide choice of beer in excellent condition and reasonably priced. Good food served all day.
Great Charlotte Street / Elliot Street
Wetherspoon's The Welkin
Hand pump
A standard version of Wetherspoon's with their usual excellent beer. It always seems busy in here, you may find quicker service at the upstairs bar.
After two years in the USA it was a bit of a shock to be nearly turned away on a Saturday night in 2002 for wearing trainers.
Last visited 2020.
White Hart (Clove Hitch) (Bread and Butter) (Keystone)
Hand pump
Keystone was a fine conversion of an old house into a pleasant multi-roomed pub and served quality ales until it closed in 2023.
For the White Hart which opened in January 2024 a substantial refurbishment has given it a beautiful (fake) Victorian interior. Excellent ales continue.
Last visited December 2024.
23 Hope Street
White Star "Quinns"
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Hand pump
The White Star never changes, thank goodness. This compact one bar gem is possibly my favourite Liverpool pub, especially for a quiet lunchtime read of the paper. (It's much more lively in the evenings.) A small range of guest beers are always well kept, and usually they also have Bass. Visit the back room to see plenty of Beatles memorabilia. Sadly, someone broke the enormous Bass mirror.
Last visited September 2024.
Rainford Street, off Mathew Street
Whitehouse After the Whitehouse had remained closed and derelict for many years, perhaps because of the external decoration allegedly by Banksy, it has finally been refurbished and is back in use as a restaurant.
Not visited.
Berry Street / Duke Street
Windsor The outside is a little tatty, inside is a large well looked after one room pub, partially wooden floored. LSTV.
Now closed.
Last visited 1999.
Pembroke Place / Greek Street
Despite the sports bar branding, all the TVs were showing a music channel when I was here. A rather well done atmospheric boozer selling cheap beer.
Last visited July 2022.
Wood Street / Slater Street
X in the City (Baraka) When I visited in 1999, Baraka was a trendily styled but a little tatty one room pub/club. I got the impression that being trendy and up market had not paid well, as the message on the umpteen TV screens was "Home-made scouse and red cabbage £1 a bowl", and a big sign at the door advertised cheap beer.
I haven't been back since it was re-launched as X in the City.
Noted closed in 2016.
Last visited 1999.
Lime Street
X in the City (Baton Rouge) (Fudge) Lap dancing bar.
Not visited.
Wood Street / Roe Alley
XS Bar Now closed.
Not visited.
Bold Street
Yankees (Revolution) The decor inside this bar which specialises in flavoured vodka is not as arty-farty as I feared. The walls are partially bare brick and the leather sofas are comfortable. It is fashionably dimly lit, which helps hide the rather worn state of the parquet floor.
Not visited since it was renamed.
Last visited 2004.
Wood Street
This new construction, opened 8 September 1998, has a rather impressive interior which is not as large as the outside suggests. It was unexpectedly full of Spanish football fans when I visited some years ago but I was still able to enjoy a fine pint of Bombardier. More recently the real ale has gone.
Last visited 2022.
Queen Square
Yates's Wine Lodge Closed.
Not visited.
Preston Street
Ye Cracke
Hand pump
A range of well kept real ales in an unusual historic pub with two bars and a number of side rooms. There's a pleasant beer yard at the back.
(Some signs call it Ye Crack)
Last visited February 2025.
Rice Street
Ye Hole in Ye Wall
Hand pump
A small multi-roomed pub with a wonderful preserved interior - wood panelling, brasswork and leaded glass partitions. Check out the brass studded door on the telephone cubical. Possibly the oldest surviving pub in Liverpool, it was opened in 1726. Quality real ales served.
Last visited 2022.
Hackins Hey
Yellow Submarine
A small bar in a simulated submarine with rather good music-themed decor inside.
Last visited May 2022.
Stanhope Street / Beaufort Street
Not visited.
Seel Street / Slater Street
Zen Cafe Bar Now closed.
Not visited.
Exchange Street East
Zeus (Eagle) Closed and now a bistro. There's a rather fine eagle in stone on the front of this building.
Not visited.
Hanover Street / Paradise Street