Phil's World Pub Guides - England - Hertfordshire

Pub Comments Location
Wetherspoon Full House A large and rather impressive 'spoons in a former cinema/bingo hall.
Last visited January 2017.
Cock A fine traditional interior, all fake I suspect, in this long narrow corridor bar, serving quality ales from Greene King, and the menu looks good.
Last visited May 2015.
Nightingale A plain ordinary traditional local boozer serving a small range of excellent real ales. Quiet on a Saturday afternoon.
Last visited May 2015.
Nightingale Road
Wetherspoon Angel Vaults A large, busy, multi-roomed Wetherspoon's in an old building with a modern section at the rear. Packed with diners at lunchtime on a Saturday.
Last visited May 2015.
Sun Street
Farmers Boy A plain small one roomed pub serving excellent real ale and the menu looks good. Friendly staff and regulars.
Last visited January 2010.
London Road / Watson's Walk
Goat A very pleasant quiet multi-roomed pub with a traditional interior which looks genuine, at least in parts. Excellent real ale is served.
Last visited January 2010.
Sopwell Lane
Wetherspoon Standard Bearer A large modern 'spoons on two floors.
Last visited October 2019.
Wetherspoon Moon Under Water A large plain interior in this very busy one - It was half five on a Friday so no surprise there. As well as the main areas there is a big side room and a back room as well.
Last visited February 2025.

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